Student Builder Program

In 2025, Music of US will pilot the Student Builder Program, which will give students the tools to create their own online Episode projects, using music recordings they have made themselves, or chosen from the Library of Congress archives.  

Powered by the Music of US Builder App

The Student Builder Program will be powered by the Music of US Builder App, the same cloud App which the Music of US team uses to create our Episodes.

Using the Builder App, students can bring in music tracks they choose, and then add photos, images, and writing that illuminate aspects of the music, or connect it to its sources and history, and create an interactive experience for others to “play”.

Free to students and teachers

Access to the Builder App and hosting for student-created Episodes will be FREE with support from the Library of Congress

Hosted in the Cloud

Episodes students create will be hosted in the Cloud, and they will be able to easily share the Episodes they create with fellow students, teachers and family. 

Episodes created with the Builder App  will  work on PCs, Macs, Chromebooks and iOS and Android devices, and  will be easily shareable through links,  on the web, or through LMSs.

The Builder App will be built on the proven Author platform that KidCitizen runs on, working with  the team at Muzzy Lane that helped develop that platform and the KidCitizen Builder. 

Project-based Curriculum

The program will include a project-based curriculum, guiding students and teachers through the process of researching music and sources and creating new episodes.

Supporting Teachers with a Student Builder Pilot 

We will be supporting a limited number of teachers who are interested in piloting a Student Builder activity with their class. If you are interested in hearing about pilot opportunities, let us know below!